Explore SEL
Visual Tools
Employability Skills
Takes Responsibility for Professional Growth
Student is active listener, seeking clarification and understanding when needed.
Related Measures
Related Programs & Strategies
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Related Terms
Senior cycle Key Skills Framework
Critical Thinking
Reimagining Life Skills and Citizenship Education
Describe the feelings and perspectives expressed by others
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Critical Thinking
Road to 21st Century Competence
Listening to Others with Understanding and Empathy
Habits of Mind
Predict others’ feelings and perspectives in a variety of situations
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Compare one’s own and others’ perspectives
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Empathic Listening
SEE Learning Framework
Learner Profile
Room to Read Life Skills Education Learning Outcomes
Use conversation skills to understand others’ feelings and perspectives
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Questioning and Positing Problems
Habits of Mind
Critical thinking
Room to Read Life Skills Education Learning Outcomes
Empathy Building
Skills for Health
Recognise causes and consequences of conflicts
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Express understanding of others who hold different opinions
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
DEEP LEARNING Engage the World, Change the World
Stress Resistance
Social and Emotional Skills: Well-being, connectedness and success
Establish positive relationships in school and at home
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Use listening skills to identify the feelings and perspectives of others
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Reimagining Life Skills and Citizenship Education
UNICEF India Comprehensive Life Skills Framework
Formulate ways to overcome obstacles in goal achievement
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Recognise how some social and cultural groups are more vulnerable to bullying and take steps to address it
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
DEEP LEARNING Engage the World, Change the World
Critical thinking
DEEP LEARNING Engage the World, Change the World
Handbook on Measuring 21st Century Skills
Creating and Interpreting Multimedia Content
Road to 21st Century Competence
Producing Data
Road to 21st Century Competence
Data Management
Road to 21st Century Competence
Acquiring Data
Road to 21st Century Competence
Managing Hardware and Software
Road to 21st Century Competence
ACT Holistic Framework for Enhancing Education and Workplace Success
Thinking and Metacognition
ACT Holistic Framework for Enhancing Education and Workplace Success
Career and Education Decision Making
ACT Holistic Framework for Enhancing Education and Workplace Success
Math Strategies/Procedures
Employability Skills
Thinks Critically
Employability Skills
Employability Skills
Employability Skills
Monitors Systems
Employability Skills
Understanding Others’ Feelings and Emotions in Context
SEE Learning Framework
Understanding Interdependent Systems
SEE Learning Framework
Critical Thinking
India Glossary of Life Skills
Recognise that one’s emotional responses can be distinct from others’ in the same situation
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Demonstrate appropriate ways to express empathy for others
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Emotional Regulation
India Glossary of Life Skills
Creating you own learning path
Road to 21st Century Competence
Demonstrates Responsibility and Self-Discipline
Employability Skills
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Skills for Health
Managing Impulsivity
Habits of Mind
Thinking Interdependently
Habits of Mind
Design and Development by
Friends of The Web