Grit is the ability to pursue our long term goals with passion and perseverance. We are gritty towards a certain goal when we care about it so much that it gives meaning to everything we do in our life. Grit is a combination of doing something for the love of it and sticking to it for a long time despite the difficulties and obstacles that may come in our way.

Grit is considered an important skill because of its positive relationship with goal achievement. Apart from that, our passion and perseverance, two key elements of Grit, has a positive impact on physical and psychological well-being, relationships and performance in any domain.

Grit in Action The person will be able to:

  • Pursue an interest or goal because it offers them joy and satisfaction at an emotional level.
  • Persist at getting better at something even if it takes long to master it.
  • Explore different ways of getting closer to the goal they have set for themselves.
  • Demonstrate immense patience while working on such goals.
  • Enjoy working towards the goal even if it gets hard and stressful at times.
  • Find a sense of meaning and purpose in what they do.

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