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K-12 SEL Standards (Anchorage)
Student demonstrates awareness of other people's emotions and perspectives
Full set of indicators in framework.
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Related Terms
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Skills for Health
Reimagining Life Skills and Citizenship Education
Analyse how one’s behaviour may affect others
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Conflict Resolution
India Glossary of Life Skills
Use conversation skills to understand others’ feelings and perspectives
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Predict others’ feelings and perspectives in a variety of situations
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Identify verbal and non-verbal cues that indicate how others may feel
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Perspective Taking
India Glossary of Life Skills
Demonstrate appropriate ways to express empathy for others
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Listening to Others with Understanding and Empathy
Habits of Mind
Empathy Building
Skills for Health
India Glossary of Life Skills
Use listening skills to identify the feelings and perspectives of others
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Expressing & Managing Emotions
Room to Read Life Skills Education Learning Outcomes
Recognise that people have strengths and weaknesses
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Express emotions appropriately
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Observes Carefully
Employability Skills
Recognise that one’s emotional responses can be distinct from others’ in the same situation
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Interact positively with their classmates
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Social Awareness
Building Blocks for Learning
Empathic Listening
SEE Learning Framework
Perspective Taking
ACT Holistic Framework for Enhancing Education and Workplace Success
Room to Read Life Skills Education Learning Outcomes
Explain why unprovoked acts that hurt others are wrong
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Experiencing and Interpreting Culture
Road to 21st Century Competence
Effective Communication
Recognise that others may experience situations differently from oneself
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Analyse how thoughts and emotions affect decision making and responsible behaviour
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Express understanding of others who hold different opinions
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Relationship Management
India Glossary of Life Skills
Evaluate how expressing one’s emotions affects others
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Describe the positive qualities in others
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
UNICEF India Comprehensive Life Skills Framework
Social and Emotional Skills: Well-being, connectedness and success
Students can read social cues
Social and Emotional Learning: Standards and Benchmarks
Room to Read Life Skills Education Learning Outcomes
Describe the feelings and perspectives expressed by others
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
India Glossary of Life Skills
Students demonstrate the ability to prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways
Social and Emotional Learning: Standards and Benchmarks
Students use positive communication and social skills to interact effectively with others
Social and Emotional Learning: Standards and Benchmarks
Establish positive relationships in school and at home
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Work effectively with those who are different from oneself
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Social Awareness
India Glossary of Life Skills
Social and Emotional Skills: Well-being, connectedness and success
Senior cycle Key Skills Framework
Problem Solving
The PRACTICE Model: Skills for Success
Demonstrate cooperation and teamwork to promote group effectiveness
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Accurately label emotions and recognise how they are linked to behaviour
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
India Glossary of Life Skills
Describe different emotions and the situations that cause them
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Students demonstrate an awareness of their emotions
Social and Emotional Learning: Standards and Benchmarks
Self-Respect and Emotional Skills
Road to 21st Century Competence
Reimagining Life Skills and Citizenship Education
Evaluate the influence of social norms and authority on personal decision making
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Recognise causes and consequences of conflicts
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
India Glossary of Life Skills
Seek support from and provide support to others
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
India Glossary of Life Skills
Reimagining Life Skills and Citizenship Education
Identify and apply the steps of systematic decision making
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Interpersonal Skills
Pratham Life Skills Framework
Use different approaches for resolving conflicts constructively
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Social Awareness
2014 Syllabus Charater and Citizenship Education Primary
Socio-Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness
2014 Syllabus Charater and Citizenship Education Primary
Emotional Regulation
India Glossary of Life Skills
Social and Emotional Skills: Well-being, connectedness and success
India Glossary of Life Skills
Learner Profile
The PRACTICE Model: Skills for Success
Analyse how emotions affect decisions and responsible behaviour
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Respect for Diversity
Reimagining Life Skills and Citizenship Education
Manage stress and demonstrate positive behaviours
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Listen and express accurately to resolve conflicts
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Take others needs into account while making decisions
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Working in Projects
Road to 21st Century Competence
Learner Profile
Respecting Diversity
India Glossary of Life Skills
Demonstrate appropriate social and classroom behaviours
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
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