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Room to Read Life Skills Education Learning Outcomes
Girls believe they have inner-worth and that they matter.
Girls have a strong sense of identity and can describe positive attributes, strengths, and talents that they possess.
Girls recognize and understand that their strengths and talents contribute positively to their family, school, and community.
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ACT Holistic Framework
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Exploring One’s Potential for Effecting Positive Change in Community and World
SEE Learning Framework
Recognise the importance of school in achieving personal goals
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Analyse how personal qualities influence choices and successes
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Learner Profile
Identify personal strengths and weaknesses
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Develop personal skills and interests that they desire to have
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Learner Profile
Students have a sense of personal responsibility
Social and Emotional Learning: Standards and Benchmarks
Civic Identity
Building Blocks for Learning
Sense of Belonging
Building Blocks for Learning
Implement a plan to build on strengths and address challenges or meet needs
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
2014 Syllabus Charater and Citizenship Education Primary
Discovering your own strengths and appropriate learning strategies
Road to 21st Century Competence
Influencing and Working Outside School
Road to 21st Century Competence
Living in a Democratic Society
Road to 21st Century Competence
Active Community Life
2014 Syllabus Charater and Citizenship Education Primary
National and Cultural Identity
2014 Syllabus Charater and Citizenship Education Primary
Identify the good qualities of their neighbourhood
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
India Glossary of Life Skills
Perform roles that contribute to one’s family
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Cultural Participation and Contribution
Road to 21st Century Competence
India Glossary of Life Skills
Five C’s Model of Positive Youth Development
2014 Syllabus Charater and Citizenship Education Primary
Skills for Increasing Personal Confidence and Abilities to Assume Control, Take Responsibility, Make a Difference, or Bring About Change
Skills for Health
Road to 21st Century Competence
Self Awareness
Pratham Life Skills Framework
Identify how various social and cultural groups are different from each other and how they contribute to society
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Building Cultural Identitiy
Road to 21st Century Competence
2014 Syllabus Charater and Citizenship Education Primary
India Glossary of Life Skills
Options for your Future
Road to 21st Century Competence
Identify and perform duties as a member of their school and neighbourhood
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Evaluate current conflict-resolution skills and plan how to improve them
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Evaluate their efforts to address an identified need in their neighbourhood
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Consumer Skills
Road to 21st Century Competence
Five C’s Model of Positive Youth Development
Self Expression and Communication
Road to 21st Century Competence
Protecting the Environment and Building a Sustainable Future
Road to 21st Century Competence
Clover Model
Responsibility over your own learning
Road to 21st Century Competence
Accept themselves with a sense of optimism about personal abilities and skills
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Students demonstrate consideration for others and a desire to positively contribute to their community
Social and Emotional Learning: Standards and Benchmarks
Develop interests and perform roles which support school and life success
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
Perform roles that contribute to one’s classroom
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
The PRACTICE Model: Skills for Success
UNICEF India Comprehensive Life Skills Framework
Use school, family and neighbourhood resources for school and life success
Indian Social and Emotional Learning Framework (ISELF)
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