Collaboration is the ability to work interdependently and cooperatively in teams. It is an organised and coordinated activity between two or more people to realise shared goals and outcomes. It includes the ability to manage team dynamics and challenges, and learning from and contributing to the learning of others.

Collaboration is a key skill that enables individuals to get along and work effectively with others, including people from diverse cultures.

Collaboration in Action The person will be able to:

  • work with others and co-create ideas.
  • communicate effectively with groups.
  • offer and accept help.
  • lead, delegate and follow while working in a group.
  • understand team members’ feelings and points of view.
  • agree and disagree with others effectively.
  • listen to others and debate respectfully.
  • be helpful and supportive of their peers.
  • accept and appreciate team members’ skills and abilities.
  • prioritize group interests to achieve a common goal.
  • accept and respect differences while working with diverse individuals.

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