Participation is the ability to contribute actively to processes and situations, influencing decisions and activities. The ability to participate effectively is important for personal empowerment and agency, as well as the development of self-efficacy and social connectedness. Participation leads to higher self-esteem and creativity.

In an educational setting, Participation encourages active learning, promotes equity among learners, gives them a sense of ownership of the school and empowers communities. Within a family, participation leads to stronger relationships and autonomy. In a socio-political setting, it allows children to make their concerns heard about the world they will inherit.

Participation in Action The person will be able to:

  • Engage with learning.
  • Share their views and opinions.
  • Collaborate towards a common goal.
  • Get along well with their classmates and teachers.
  • Contribute to a better school environment with discipline and shared responsibility.
  • Contribute to family decisions, make their voice heard in the family.
  • Avail equal opportunities for recreation, career, long term relationships, socializing.
  • Exercise their rights as citizens.

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